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Catch Me If You Can

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Daring New World!!

Rick, the blognaut, strikes for the first time!!!!

Rick - Blognaut is a place for discovery, fun, sharing, learning, teaching, weeping if necessary!!!!

Be mostly welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I hope weeping won't be necessary. hehehehe.

  2. Dear Rick,

    I loved the name of your blog. Wonderful to see you daring, going way beyond our comfort zones to experiment with new possibilities.

  3. I love your blog!

    By the way, I got a huge kick out of the video: after all the yelling and pounding and jumping up and down, Mom's reaction was "I think they're excited." Well, yes . . . .

    I know you'll keep adding more elements which are fun and engaging, and I can't wait to see further installments!


    Dennis in Phoenix


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